I think this book should be read by every woman or man. I found this book verified a lot of the hurdles I have viewed myself as an enthusiastic, working, dynamic woman. It was amazingly tested to see pictures after study confirm that women's likability has not depended on to her achievements and success, it depends on others mindset and personal & social successful relations. The characteristics that define leadership and management in men are usually recognized as negative traits in women. One side the author's suggestions on how to overcome some of these biases and the other hand we learn about "I" - who am I? and how easy to say "No," "I don't," and "I don't agree with it". It needs to understand that softness is not weakness it's a positive approach. It is astonishing how in years a society ruled mostly by men and how hard it is to think outside the box. We require to question the customs because if we don't, we'll just immortalize them for individuals, and for future generations. Some lines are heart touching and gave me my way of believing about being a woman and the way I see other women in office and at home. I can honestly say I'd like to see more gender equality. It's familiar. There is always an another choice like I keep my mouth shut, I do stand in the corner, I do accept less pay without asking for more, I do let men talk over me, and yes I do feel guilty - about everything. In the end, I extremely suggest this book to all women for managing family and career as a female and carries impulse and enthusiasm for rightful place of women in society. It is an excellent read, even for men to get knowledge on treating their wives, sisters & daughters. Sheryl Sandberg's personal life examples give motivation and a positive way of thinking. I want to say thanks to Sheryl Sandberg for wonderful writing.
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