Sunday, 24 May 2015

My Life Time Goals

Today I was reading one article regarding the goals. Personally I thought only 'Today is the day' because I don't know what 'll happen next. Relish this day as fullest as I can, is my funda of living with happiness. Yes, like every person I also make plans but not much focus on those plans. I believe that everything will happen when right time will come. But that article forced me to think little different. The article was on  - What is our future goal? Future goals like; what we want to do before dying?

So, I decided to make a list with lots of hopes and positive views. I want to do many things in this small life. :)

Not all but a big part of my list, I am sharing -

Personal Achievements:-
  • Always be positive and happy.
  • I'll read lots of books.
  • Never stop learning new things.
  • Become expert in my field without any error.
  • Never stop working.
  • I'll achieve satisfactory career goals in my forties.
  • After, ten to twelve years of work experience. I will start my own business (small or big, it doesn't matter).
  • A financially stable person.
  • I 'll write a book or books in my fifties or sixties.

Family Goals:-
  • Highly focus on happiness, I'll give smile each person's face, who is close to my heart.

Travel Goals - I will travel to the following places:-
  • India
  • Paris, France (summer and winter both)
  • London, England
  • Rome, Italy
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia
  • Mauritius (once again)
  • Brazil
  • Euro Trip (I'll divide it into two parts)
  • USA (Specially - Newyork city, Las Vegas, Las Angles, San Francisco, Miami, Washington, Oahu, Hawaii, Maui)

I will visit the following sights:-
  • Taj Mahal
  • Leh Ladakh
  • Disney world
  • Eiffel Tower
  • Wall of China
  • Pyramids of Egypt
  • Epcott Center

Adventure - I 'll experience:-
  • Become a marathon member (10km or more)
  • A river rafting trip
  • I'll become a certified scuba diving member
  • Skydive
  • Go-karting on two tracks (Jim Hall Track Time - Ventura, California and Extreme Indoor Karting - East Tamaki, New Zealand)
  • Swim with the dolphins
  • Ride in a hot air balloon

Some I already completed, and other I'll do. I think all should make a list of goals and share it, and If do not wish to share, that's also ok. Just make it and see it every day. 

It gives me motivation, and I start work on achieving goals. If because of any reason I 'll not make all the things possible, at least I 'll get the satisfaction that I did some, and I tried to others. We all get only one life and making this life a perfect & fullest life is our duty.

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